Monday, August 1, 2011

VistaPrint Freebies!

             Last year was the first time I had ever heard of the company VistaPrint.  I stocked up on business cards (changed into incentive cards), notepads, personalized pens, and a banner last year.  This year, I created some more incentive cards and made a morning procedures poster.  You can see the other things that I created for free below!  I like using the company because I can change my theme and the cost is minimal.  I'm still using some of the free products I received last year.  You factor in their shipping costs so it's not 100% free, but watch out for their specials and buy then. Google "Vista Print free items" and stock up. You can only get 1 set of each of the free items, but you can get around that by placing multiple orders if you really wanted to.  I restrained myself!  But, I did want to make a poster and some cards to go with my new "Smartie pants" that I am sewing.
This goes on my magnet white board.  Students write their
name below, so I can see how many need to take AR tests.

This is a yard sign, but I threw the wire away
and display it when the desk fairy arrives. 
She usually leaves a sweet treat for neat desks...
and I somehow always know when she is coming.

These are going to go in the back to school goodie bags I made. 
They are fridge magnets to display student work at home. 
I like how they have my SpAcE theme clipart I purchased!

I always have a few students who come in
totally unprepared in the morning. 
Last year I had crosswalk duty every once in awhile,
so my partner teacher would step in for
 a couple of minutes.  This is a nice visual for students to check.

This is one of those freebie items I just couldn't pass up. 
 I love my nieces and son!

I was almost out of notepad paper. 
Plus, I wanted to promote this blog!

I will add pictures of my "Smartie pants"
when this Vista Print order arrives. 
I can easily hand students one of these cards
when they are doing great and they can trade
it in for some candy! I like to catch kids doing the right thing. 
The idea came to me when I was "stuck" in the
Target $1 section with Smarties on sale for a dollar!

I hope this poster looks good when it comes! 
It will hang above the pants with candy inside.

I think we all could use sticky notes! 
I wish I could order 10 different sets in one purchase.

I am going to put this on my lanyard.  It also has my whistle. 
One of those freebies that I had to check out.
                                              The possibilities are endless. 

1 comment:

  1. These are great. I have to print plastic business cards, How can i get free designs for my cards?


Thanks for sharing some love!